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Poulos MG
Crowley MJP
Gutkin MC
Ramalingam P
Schachterle W
Thomas J-L
Elemento O
Butler JM
. 2015.
Vascular Platform to Define Hematopoietic Stem Cell Factors and Enhance Regenerative Hematopoiesis.
Stem Cell Reports. 5(5):881-894.
Jiang Y
Nie K
Redmond D
Melnick AM
Tam W
Elemento O
. 2015.
VDJ-Seq: Deep Sequencing Analysis of Rearranged Immunoglobulin Heavy Chain Gene to Reveal Clonal Evolution Patterns of B Cell Lymphoma.
J Vis Exp. (106):e53215.
Yun J
Mullarky E
Lu C
Bosch KN
Kavalier A
Rivera K
Roper J
Chio IIn Christi
Giannopoulou EG
Rago C
et al.
. 2015.
Vitamin C selectively kills KRAS and BRAF mutant colorectal cancer cells by targeting GAPDH.
Science. 350(6266):1391-6.
Beltran H
Eng K
Mosquera JMiguel
Sigaras A
Romanel A
Rennert H
Kossai M
Pauli C
Faltas B
Fontugne J
et al.
. 2015.
Whole-Exome Sequencing of Metastatic Cancer and Biomarkers of Treatment Response.
JAMA Oncol. 1(4):466-74.
Israely E
Ginsberg M
Nolan D
Ding B-S
James D
Elemento O
Rafii S
Rabbany SY
. 2014.
Akt suppression of TGFβ signaling contributes to the maintenance of vascular identity in embryonic stem cell-derived endothelial cells.
Stem Cells. 32(1):177-90.
Chiron D
Di Liberto M
Martin P
Huang X
Sharman J
Blecua P
Mathew S
Vijay P
Eng K
Ali S
et al.
. 2014.
Cell-cycle reprogramming for PI3K inhibition overrides a relapse-specific C481S BTK mutation revealed by longitudinal functional genomics in mantle cell lymphoma.
Cancer Discov. 4(9):1022-35.
Jiang Y
Redmond D
Nie K
Eng KW
Clozel T
Martin P
Tan LHc
Melnick AM
Tam W
Elemento O
. 2014.
Deep sequencing reveals clonal evolution patterns and mutation events associated with relapse in B-cell lymphomas.
Genome Biol. 15(8):432.
Erler P
Keutgen XM
Crowley MJ
Zetoune T
Kundel A
Kleiman D
Beninato T
Scognamiglio T
Elemento O
Zarnegar R
et al.
. 2014.
Dicer expression and microRNA dysregulation associate with aggressive features in thyroid cancer.
Surgery. 156(6):1342-50;discussion1350.
Prasain N
Lee MRyul
Vemula S
Meador JLuke
Yoshimoto M
Ferkowicz MJ
Fett A
Gupta M
Rapp BM
Saadatzadeh MReza
et al.
. 2014.
Differentiation of human pluripotent stem cells to cells similar to cord-blood endothelial colony-forming cells.
Nat Biotechnol. 32(11):1151-1157.
Thakur BKumar
Zhang H
Becker A
Matei I
Huang Y
Costa-Silva B
Zheng Y
Hoshino A
Brazier H
Xiang J
et al.
. 2014.
Double-stranded DNA in exosomes: a novel biomarker in cancer detection.
Cell Res. 24(6):766-9.
Kasap C
Elemento O
Kapoor TM
. 2014.
DrugTargetSeqR: a genomics- and CRISPR-Cas9-based method to analyze drug targets.
Nat Chem Biol. 10(8):626-8.
Lu Y-C
Chang S-H
Hafner M
Li X
Tuschl T
Elemento O
Hla T
. 2014.
ELAVL1 modulates transcriptome-wide miRNA binding in murine macrophages.
Cell Rep. 9(6):2330-43.
Chang S-H
Elemento O
Zhang J
Zhuang ZW
Simons M
Hla T
. 2014.
ELAVL1 regulates alternative splicing of eIF4E transporter to promote postnatal angiogenesis.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 111(51):18309-14.
Popovic R
Martinez-Garcia E
Giannopoulou EG
Zhang Q
Zhang Q
Ezponda T
Shah MY
Zheng Y
Will CM
Small EC
et al.
. 2014.
Histone methyltransferase MMSET/NSD2 alters EZH2 binding and reprograms the myeloma epigenome through global and focal changes in H3K36 and H3K27 methylation.
PLoS Genet. 10(9):e1004566.
Wen D
Banaszynski LA
Liu Y
Geng F
Noh K-M
Xiang J
Elemento O
Rosenwaks Z
C Allis D
Rafii S
. 2014.
Histone variant H3.3 is an essential maternal factor for oocyte reprogramming.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 111(20):7325-30.
de Martino M
Zhuang D
Klatte T
Rieken M
Rouprêt M
Xylinas E
Clozel T
Krzywinski M
Elemento O
Shariat SF
. 2014.
Impact of ERBB2 mutations on in vitro sensitivity of bladder cancer to lapatinib.
Cancer Biol Ther. 15(9):1239-47.
Tan AY
Michaeel A
Liu G
Elemento O
Blumenfeld J
Donahue S
Parker T
Levine D
Rennert H
. 2014.
Molecular diagnosis of autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease using next-generation sequencing.
J Mol Diagn. 16(2):216-28.
Chakravarty D
Sboner A
Nair SS
Giannopoulou E
Li R
Hennig S
Mosquera JMiguel
Pauwels J
Park K
Kossai M
et al.
. 2014.
The oestrogen receptor alpha-regulated lncRNA NEAT1 is a critical modulator of prostate cancer.
Nat Commun. 5:5383.
Sandler VM
Lis R
Liu Y
Kedem A
James D
Elemento O
Butler JM
Scandura JM
Rafii S
. 2014.
Reprogramming human endothelial cells to haematopoietic cells requires vascular induction.
Nature. 511(7509):312-8.
Kleiman DA
Beninato T
Sultan S
Crowley MJP
Finnerty B
Kumar R
Panarelli NC
Liu Y-F
Lieberman MD
Seandel M
et al.
. 2014.
Silencing of UCHL1 by CpG promoter hyper-methylation is associated with metastatic gastroenteropancreatic well-differentiated neuroendocrine (carcinoid) tumors.
Ann Surg Oncol. 21 Suppl 4:S672-9.
Diman NYS-G
Brooks G
Kruithof BPT
Elemento O
Seidman JG
Seidman CE
Basson CT
Hatcher CJ
. 2014.
Tbx5 is required for avian and Mammalian epicardial formation and coronary vasculogenesis.
Circ Res. 115(10):834-44.
Jiang Y
Elemento O
. 2014.
Tracing the roots of cancer evolution.
Cancer Discov. 4(9):995-7.
De S
Shaknovich R
Riester M
Elemento O
Geng H
Kormaksson M
Jiang Y
Woolcock B
Johnson N
Polo JM
et al.
. 2013.
Aberration in DNA methylation in B-cell lymphomas has a complex origin and increases with disease severity.
PLoS Genet. 9(1):e1003137.
Kumar R
DiMenna L
Schrode N
Liu T-C
Franck P
Muñoz-Descalzo S
Hadjantonakis A-K
Zarrin AA
Chaudhuri J
Elemento O
et al.
. 2013.
AID stabilizes stem-cell phenotype by removing epigenetic memory of pluripotency genes.
Nature. 500(7460):89-92.
Chang S-H
Lu Y-C
Li X
Hsieh W-Y
Xiong Y
Ghosh M
Evans T
Elemento O
Hla T
. 2013.
Antagonistic function of the RNA-binding protein HuR and miR-200b in post-transcriptional regulation of vascular endothelial growth factor-A expression and angiogenesis.
J Biol Chem. 288(7):4908-21.
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