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Found 299 results
Elemento, Olivier
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Schachterle W
Badwe CR
Palikuqi B
Kunar B
Ginsberg M
Lis R
Yokoyama M
Elemento O
Scandura JM
Rafii S
. 2017.
Sox17 drives functional engraftment of endothelium converted from non-vascular cells.
Nat Commun. 8:13963.
Ge Y
Gomez NC
Adam RC
Nikolova M
Yang H
Verma A
Lu CPei-Ju
Polak L
Yuan S
Elemento O
et al.
. 2017.
Stem Cell Lineage Infidelity Drives Wound Repair and Cancer.
Cell. 169(4):636-650.e14.
Giannopoulou E
Elemento O
. 2017.
Systematic Discovery of Chromatin-Bound Protein Complexes from ChIP-seq Datasets.
Methods Mol Biol. 1507:43-58.
Nwachukwu JC
Srinivasan S
Bruno NE
Nowak J
Wright NJ
Minutolo F
Rangarajan ES
Izard T
Yao X-Q
Grant BJ
et al.
. 2017.
Systems Structural Biology Analysis of Ligand Effects on ERα Predicts Cellular Response to Environmental Estrogens and Anti-hormone Therapies.
Cell Chem Biol. 24(1):35-45.
Bhinder B
Elemento O
. 2017.
Towards a better cancer precision medicine: systems biology meets immunotherapy.
Curr Opin Syst Biol. 2:67-73.
Liu Y
Pelham-Webb B
Di Giammartino DCampigli
Li J
Kim D
Kita K
Saiz N
Garg V
Doane A
Giannakakou P
et al.
. 2017.
Widespread Mitotic Bookmarking by Histone Marks and Transcription Factors in Pluripotent Stem Cells.
Cell Rep. 19(7):1283-1293.
Halama A
Kulinski M
Dib SS
Zaghlool SB
Siveen KS
Iskandarani A
Zierer J
Prabhu KS
Satheesh NJ
Bhagwat AM
et al.
. 2018.
Accelerated lipid catabolism and autophagy are cancer survival mechanisms under inhibited glutaminolysis.
Cancer Lett. 430:133-147.
González-González A
Muñoz-Muela E
Marchal JA
Cara FE
Molina MP
Cruz-Lozano M
Jiménez G
Verma A
Ramírez A
Qian W
et al.
. 2018.
Activating Transcription Factor 4 Modulates TGFβ-Induced Aggressiveness in Triple-Negative Breast Cancer via SMAD2/3/4 and mTORC2 Signaling.
Clin Cancer Res. 24(22):5697-5709.
Teater M
Dominguez PM
Redmond D
Chen Z
Ennishi D
Scott DW
Cimmino L
Ghione P
Chaudhuri J
Gascoyne RD
et al.
. 2018.
AICDA drives epigenetic heterogeneity and accelerates germinal center-derived lymphomagenesis.
Nat Commun. 9(1):222.
Pan H
Elemento O
. 2018.
Analyzing DNA Methylation Patterns During Tumor Evolution.
Methods Mol Biol. 1711:27-53.
Powles RL
Redmond D
Sotiriou C
Loi S
Fumagalli D
Nuciforo P
Harbeck N
de Azambuja E
Sarp S
Di Cosimo S
et al.
. 2018.
Association of T-Cell Receptor Repertoire Use With Response to Combined Trastuzumab-Lapatinib Treatment of HER2-Positive Breast Cancer: Secondary Analysis of the NeoALTTO Randomized Clinical Trial.
JAMA Oncol. 4(11):e181564.
Verma N
Pan H
Doré LC
Shukla A
Pelham-Webb B
Teijeiro V
González F
Krivtsov A
Chang C-J
et al.
. 2018.
Author Correction: TET proteins safeguard bivalent promoters from de novo methylation in human embryonic stem cells.
Nat Genet. 50(5):764.
Madhukar NS
Elemento O
. 2018.
Bioinformatics Approaches to Predict Drug Responses from Genomic Sequencing.
Methods Mol Biol. 1711:277-296.
Sailer V
Schiffman MH
Kossai M
Cyrta J
Beg S
Sullivan B
Pua BB
Lee KSteve
Talenfeld AD
Nanus DM
et al.
. 2018.
Bone biopsy protocol for advanced prostate cancer in the era of precision medicine.
Cancer. 124(5):1008-1015.
Morash M
Mitchell H
Yu A
Campion T
Beltran H
Elemento O
Pathak J
. 2018.
CATCH-KB: Establishing a Pharmacogenomics Variant Repository for Chemotherapy-Induced Cardiotoxicity.
AMIA Jt Summits Transl Sci Proc. 2017:168-177.
Li W
Xia S
Aronova A
Min IM
Verma A
Scognamiglio T
Gray KD
Ullmann TM
Liang H
Moore MD
et al.
. 2018.
CHL1 expression differentiates Hürthle cell carcinoma from benign Hürthle cell nodules.
J Surg Oncol. 118(6):1042-1049.
Bakhoum SF
Ngo B
Laughney AM
Cavallo J-A
Murphy CJ
Ly P
Shah P
Sriram RK
Watkins TBK
Taunk NK
et al.
. 2018.
Chromosomal instability drives metastasis through a cytosolic DNA response.
Nature. 553(7689):467-472.
Khosravi P
Kazemi E
Imielinski M
Elemento O
Hajirasouliha I
. 2018.
Deep Convolutional Neural Networks Enable Discrimination of Heterogeneous Digital Pathology Images.
EBioMedicine. 27:317-328.
Faria M
Karami S
Granados-Principal S
Dey P
Verma A
Choi DS
Elemento O
Bawa-Khalfe T
Chang JC
Strom AM
et al.
. 2018.
The ERβ4 variant induces transformation of the normal breast mammary epithelial cell line MCF-10A; the ERβ variants ERβ2 and ERβ5 increase aggressiveness of TNBC by regulation of hypoxic signaling.
Oncotarget. 9(15):12201-12211.
Liu Y
Choi DSoon
Sheng J
Ensor JE
Liang DHwang
Rodriguez-Aguayo C
Polley A
Benz S
Elemento O
Verma A
et al.
. 2018.
HN1L Promotes Triple-Negative Breast Cancer Stem Cells through LEPR-STAT3 Pathway.
Stem Cell Reports. 10(1):212-227.
Liu H
Murphy CJ
Karreth FA
Emdal KB
White FM
Elemento O
Toker A
Wulf GM
Cantley LC
. 2018.
Identifying and Targeting Sporadic Oncogenic Genetic Aberrations in Mouse Models of Triple-Negative Breast Cancer.
Cancer Discov. 8(3):354-369.
Markowitz GJ
Havel LS
Crowley MJp
Ban Y
Lee SB
Thalappillil JS
Narula N
Bhinder B
Elemento O
Wong STc
et al.
. 2018.
Immune reprogramming via PD-1 inhibition enhances early-stage lung cancer survival.
JCI Insight. 3(13)
Puca L
Bareja R
Prandi D
Shaw R
Benelli M
Karthaus WR
Hess J
Sigouros M
Donoghue A
Kossai M
et al.
. 2018.
Patient derived organoids to model rare prostate cancer phenotypes.
Nat Commun. 9(1):2404.
Lundquist MR
Goncalves MD
Loughran RM
Possik E
Vijayaraghavan T
Yang A
Pauli C
Ravi A
Verma A
Yang Z
et al.
. 2018.
Phosphatidylinositol-5-Phosphate 4-Kinases Regulate Cellular Lipid Metabolism By Facilitating Autophagy.
Mol Cell. 70(3):531-544.e9.
Verma N
Pan H
Doré LC
Shukla A
Pelham-Webb B
Teijeiro V
González F
Krivtsov A
Chang C-J
et al.
. 2018.
Publisher Correction: TET proteins safeguard bivalent promoters from de novo methylation in human embryonic stem cells.
Nat Genet. 50(5):764.
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