Predictive modeling in reproductive medicine: Where will the future of artificial intelligence research take us?

TitlePredictive modeling in reproductive medicine: Where will the future of artificial intelligence research take us?
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2020
AuthorsCurchoe CLynn, Malmsten J, Bormann C, Shafiee H, Farias AFlores-Sai, Mendizabal G, Chavez-Badiola A, Sigaras A, Alshubbar H, Chambost J, Jacques C, Pena C-A, Drakeley A, Freour T, Hajirasouliha I, Hickman CFontes Lin, Elemento O, Zaninovic N, Rosenwaks Z
JournalFertil Steril
Date Published2020 11
KeywordsAnimals, Artificial Intelligence, Biomedical Research, Fertilization in Vitro, Forecasting, Humans, Machine Learning, Reproductive Medicine

Artificial intelligence (AI) systems have been proposed for reproductive medicine since 1997. Although AI is the main driver of emergent technologies in reproduction, such as robotics, Big Data, and internet of things, it will continue to be the engine for technological innovation for the foreseeable future. What does the future of AI research look like?

Alternate JournalFertil Steril
PubMed ID33160516