Author Correction: Conservation of copy number profiles during engraftment and passaging of patient-derived cancer xenografts.

TitleAuthor Correction: Conservation of copy number profiles during engraftment and passaging of patient-derived cancer xenografts.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2021
AuthorsWoo XYi, Giordano J, Srivastava A, Zhao Z-M, Lloyd MW, de Bruijn R, Suh Y-S, Patidar R, Chen L, Scherer S, Bailey MH, Yang C-H, Cortes-Sanchez E, Xi Y, Wang J, Wickramasinghe J, Kossenkov AV, Rebecca VW, Sun H, R Mashl J, Davies SR, Jeon R, Frech C, Randjelovic J, Rosains J, Galimi F, Bertotti A, Lafferty A, O'Farrell AC, Modave E, Lambrechts D, Brugge PTer, Serra V, Marangoni E, Botty REl, Kim H, Kim J-I, Yang H-K, Lee C, Dean DA, Davis-Dusenbery B, Evrard YA, Doroshow JH, Welm AL, Welm BE, Lewis MT, Fang B, Roth JA, Meric-Bernstam F, Herlyn M, Davies MA, Ding L, Li S, Govindan R, Isella C, Moscow JA, Trusolino L, Byrne AT, Jonkers J, Bult CJ, Medico E, Chuang JH
Corporate AuthorsPDXNET Consortium, EurOPDX Consortium
JournalNat Genet
Date Published2021 May
Alternate JournalNat Genet
PubMed ID33608693
PubMed Central IDPMC8110476
Grant ListP30 CA034196 / CA / NCI NIH HHS / United States